After closing the Preferences window, you can use your template by following the steps in Create a Stored Procedure and selecting your new template, My Template. 关闭Preferences窗口之后,按照创建一个存储程序中的步骤并选择您的新模板MyTemplate,您就可以使用自己的模板。
The create collection procedure has several interesting options available for it that mirror the options used to create a DB2 text search index. 创建collection的存储过程有几个令人关注的选项,它们借鉴自用于创建DB2文本搜索索引的选项。
The next step in creating the stored procedure is to issue the CREATE PROCEDURE DDL to register the procedure in the database. 创建存储过程的下一步是执行CREATEPROCEDUREDDL,在数据库中注册该存储过程。
User-Defined Functions can be written in PL/ pgSQL ( proprietary procedural language) SQL, and C.Supports both the CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION statements. 用户定义函数可以用PL/pgSQL(专用的过程语言)、SQL和C编写。支持CREATEPROCEDURE和CREATEFUNCTION语句。
Create the procedure for debugging by selecting the debug mode option to ALLOW. 通过选择调试模式选项ALLOW,创建需要进行调试的过程。
To reduce the impact of logging, you can create a stored procedure and commit the insert in stages. 为了减少日志记录的影响,您可以创建一个存储过程,并分步提交插入数据。
In the next step, the tooling is used to create a stored procedure of the SQL code. 在下一步中,这种方法被用来从这些SQL代码创建一个存储过程。
To that end, you should change the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and the C code to allow for additional parameters. 为此,应该更改CREATEPROCEDURE语句和C代码,以允许使用更多的参数。
To avoid this scenario, use the RETURNS clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to return data to the caller. 要避免这种情况,使用CREATEPROCEDURE语句的RETURNS子句来将数据返回给调用者。
To separate the business logic in the database from the application code, it is a good idea to create a stored procedure for this query. 为了将数据库中的业务逻辑与应用程序代码隔离开,一种好方法是为这个查询创建一个存储过程。
CREATE PROCEDURE statement was not issued to define a procedure at the current server. 没有通过发出CREATEPROCEDURE语句在当前服务器上定义过程。
Once you create the SQL procedure that returns a result set, you might want to call it and retrieve the result set. 一旦创建了返回结果集的SQL过程,可能需要调用它并检索结果集。
To enable dynamic invocation, you should create a stored procedure that takes two parameters and invokes the mining flow with this user input. 为了实现动态调用,需要创建一个存储过程,它接受这两个参数并通过此用户输入调用挖掘流。
Solution: Check the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and make sure you are passing the correct number of input and output parameters with proper data types. 解决方案:检查CREATEPROCEDURE语句,确保传递的输入和输出参数的数量和数据类型都正确。
In this example, we have chosen to fix the CREATE PROCEDURE statement instead of modifying the source code. 在这个例子中,我们选择修改CREATEPROCEDURE语句而不是修改源代码。
Now the CREATE PROCEDURE statement succeeds, and the stored procedure runs successfully. 现在,CREATEPROCEDURE语句成功了,存储过程成功运行。
But first you should create your stored procedure in the destination database MYSAMPLE. 但是,首先应该在目标数据库MYSAMPLE中创建存储过程。
Good people are hard to find and your employees really do make a difference, so spend extra time evaluating an applicant before you hire, and create a procedure to quickly identify if they will succeed in their position. 好员工很难找,而且雇员确实能对公司产生实质性影响。因此,请务必多花点时间来评估你要聘用的人。同时还要制定一个流程,迅速地识别这些人是否能胜任工作。
You must have DBA authority to create a remote procedure. 您必须具有dba权限才能创建远程过程。
You would create a procedure that copies selected text to the clipboard using the click event of the copy menu item on the standard edit menu. 可以创建这样一个过程:使用标准“编辑”菜单上“复制”菜单项的click事件将选定的文本复制到剪贴板。
Procedure '%. ls' has already been created with group number% d. Create procedure with an unused group number. 已经用组号%3!创建了过程''%1!''。请用未使用过的组号创建过程。
You don't create this procedure& the project template creates it and places it in the Generated initialization code region. 您不用创建这个过程&该项目模板创建它并将其放入“生成的初始化代码”区域。
No stored procedures exist in this database. You do not have permissions to create a stored procedure. 此数据库中没有存储过程。您没有创建存储过程的权限。
If you encounter these limitations, instead of recording an auto_open macro, you must create a VBA procedure for the open event as described in the next section of this article. 如果您遇到这些限制,就不应录制autoopen宏,而必须按本文下一节所述,为“打开”事件创建vba过程。
Sometimes you want a script with multiple options, such as drop a procedure and then create a procedure, or create a table then alter a table. 有时您可能需要使用具有多个选项的脚本,如删除一个过程然后创建一个过程,或者创建一个表然后更改一个表。
Create a stored procedure using the text editor. 用文本编辑器创建一个存储过程。
Almost any Transact-SQL code that can be written as a batch can be used to create a stored procedure. 几乎所有可以写成批处理的transact-sql代码都可以用来创建存储过程。
The object '%. ls' is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name. 对象''%1!''不是过程,所以不能在该组名称下创建另一个过程。
Create a stored procedure by specifying the SQL text necessary to define its behavior. 通过指定定义其行为的文本创建存储过程。
You have completed the steps required to create the stored procedure ( s) shown below. To view or modify any of them, click Edit. 您已经完成了创建下列存储过程所需的各个步骤。若要查看或修改某个存储过程,请单击编辑。